Add customizable magic box

Ok… Here we go

Also if something is in { } Means that is mostly directed to the developers (like Code related things and possible issues with programming and its possible solutions)

Most of us knows about the magic box in Crystal Caverns, That funny chest that gives you junk or an OP weapon

Well, it isn’t supoced to be used outside that map, that means that if someone wants to use it in other map, you just can’t do it, because the items it has, are written as part of chest (Meaning that the "Loot tables, or items " are un-editable)

So here i will try to suggest some ways that if implemented, We could use the magic box

Adding the magic box

First we need to create one command that allows to create your own magic box, (Something like /zchest settype 4,5,6 or any number that is allowed)
Once set, I proppose the next attributes

Setting prices

/zchest tiercost <cost>

Some of you may not noticed it, But the magic box actually level up with the pass of rounds, So with this command we will be able to set , how much the price will increase every round (or every 3, like the one that is in Crystal caverns, maybe this will be manipulable,ill explain later)

I.e (/zchest tiercost 1500)
R1 1500
R2 3000
R3 4500
R4 6000
And continues…


/zchest tierup <Rounds>

This command is what would help us to decide how many rounds need to pass in order to level up the magic box
I.e :
So if we set the value as 1, every round will level up
If we set it as 2, R1,R3,R5,R7 etc will level up

{Howeber, if this isn’t possible because of the programming restrictions(Bassically if Popstarfreas , Tejdxa can’t do it)
The default i think it would be the same as abilities (every 3 rounds i think)}

Adding loot tables/items

/zchest addloot <Item name/ID> <Class name> <Tier> <Posibility> <Minimum amount possible> <maximum amount possible>

So here start the hard part…

With this command we will be able to add a item, and how often we will obtain it, along with the amount that we will recieve (I. E. we could range from 100 to 200 bullets)if is same the number, well, that means
{Also, i think this can also conflict on some programming languages, so if this isn’t able, instead of asking for a range, just would be a single value to set a constant amount}

The “possibility” Would could be worked as the following

As decimal number (prefferable this) or porcentual, i think this depends of programming language, so it is up to The developer team

50%= 0.50(or also 50 like that)

Also, the total of all possibilities must be 100% (or 1.00) if not the case, The rest would mean “nothing” (Not getting an item, like a scam… Freaking boxes…)

So if the total of all our possibilities is 0.92, that means that we have a 0.08 of geting nothing

Getting more than 1.00 or 100% would end in just having less probabilities
(bassically if we use the nornal limit, we have 1 in 100, if for example we got a total of 1.20, then simply we get a 1 in 120 of possibilities,
That… Or just set an error message)

Some examples would be like this

/zchest additem "Copper shortsword" "Melee" 0 0.10 1 1
/zchest additem "Katana" "Melee" 0 0.40 1 1
/zchest additem "Healing potion" "Melee" 0 0.15 1 5
/zchest additem "Golden sword" "Melee" 0 0.35 1 1

Obviously, this one is very simple, You can add more items if you want

Moding items

The good thing of lootboxes are that you don’t know how will be your weapon, So How we decide that?
Lets hop into it

/zchest moditem <Item name/ID> <Class> <Tier> <Value (Same as the ones set by rofle)> <Min range> <Max range>

Similar to the command of before, We will be able to set a range to decide how we want the weapon

So in practice would look like this

{Howeber, I would like to note, that would be good a special value that modifies the use time and use animation at the same time, Or otherwise weapons will be janky and weird,thing that doesn’t happens on Crystal caverns, Or maybe the possibility of adding two values with a comma, Like “4,5” to indicate that these will share the same value

Same aplies with ranges, If we want to only choose proyectile 5 or 440, in the both ranges would be “5,440”}

/zchest modloot "Katana" "Melee" 0 2 10 30
/zchest modloot "Katana" "Melee" 0 3 0 5

This would mean that we can obtain a katana that will have an Damage of 10 to 30, and a knockback of 0 to 5, any number between this ranges are possible

Deleting items

/zchest delitem <name/ID> <Class> <tier>

I don’t think is necesary to change the delete sintaxys, this is good

Howeber, would be good to have one that deletes an entire tier

Something like this

/zchest delloot <class> <tier>

This is all that i thinked, You can always Suggest something to help make it more clear, or a better way to do it

There’s already yems’s suggestion about making magic box editable


Could you leave a link?, i can’t find it


It’s likely it won’t have the same name. Magic boxes’ contents are pre-coded and it’s basically like abilities, it should permeate all maps and the contents remain the same


And magic boxes items don’t have specific mods. The modifications are randomised for each purchase.


So if i understand…

Magic boxes editable will not happen

Instead, it will be a new type of chest , Similar to that,but with other rules (Obviosly, if this get accepted)

So, should i edit the post to make it more “Likely” To be a chest with its own rules instead of relying on strange rules, like the tier level up rule, and the costs?


I like that, i can put a magic box in my level, and in turn, it looks like i worked hard on it!


: smort : : stonks :