[Accepted] My Admin Application

My Admin Application (Connor PJ)


  • Be at least a second-level staff member :heavy_check_mark:
  • Know more-advanced tShock commands (I am familar with mostly all Moderator commands, I know alot of Admin commands but some are still unknown to me.)
  • Have at least 4 weeks experience as a Moderator (Collectively) :heavy_check_mark:
  • Have the game on Steam :heavy_check_mark:
  • Have completed at least 3 training sessions (Please see me or Tvolk131 on this) :heavy_check_mark: [completed with [BoB]. [thanks bob btw :P]

1. The reason I would like to be an administrator is quite simple, I wish to benefit myself, more members of staff and mostly the Dark Gaming network. This can be done by allowing acsess to more advanced commands such as /region etc., but can mostly be achieved becuase of the fact that I am quite intelligent and the fact that I have quite a large amount of experience as a moderator ie. I understand how people like hackers and griefers think and so I can improve the effectivness of how rule breakers are dealt with.

2. I would claim that my effectivness rating as a member of staff is around 8-9. I base this off of how I deal with punishments, how I deal advice to other members of staff and how I interact with other members of the society. I always follow the suitable rules of warnings before punishments and somtimes even ask my managers for advice before I make an official ipban. I am really active and have had 55 hours in the past 6 days. When i ban a rulebreaker I always make sure to collect effective evidence and write my reasin for the ban at the end of each command ie. (/ban add potato “Hacked Clients are not permitted”).

3. If another member of staff was trolling a helper or lower rank, I would have different ways to aproach the situation, a manager for example (highly unlikly) I would question to a certain point, not being rude in anyway. If I found that the manager was being racist or using bad profantry I may possible issue a thread questioning why this took place. (with evidence of course, I would all request other managers to look in the console history, for some more witness’ and evidence. However if a member of staff lower than me was trolling I would warn them several times before treating them as a rulebreaker. If a manager was online i would privatly contact them to make sure that they are okay with my descision.

4. If I was asked to look after the server for a short period of time I would create a set routine which I would follow no matter the cost. This routine would consist of constently being online, checking the history often and collecting reports of off other members of staff that have been online. I would only stop monitoring the server for my three meals a day, my sleep (how ever I would check the logs while i was away), if I had to visit my major family (within good reason) I would make sure to pm mayby a possible manager explaining why I would be away or another member of staff asking them to report back any issues they have had (grief, hacking, decision making ect.), I would also listen to lag complaits and restart the server when neccesary.

5. If to members of staff and 2 moderators were argueing the first thing I would do is intercept and question question the moderator about what is going on. After i have collected the report I would ask the moderator why he is abusing the /mute command and then request him not to, only in suitable occasions. The next thing I would do is ask the members if they had been griefing, if the answer was no then I would still ask others why they had if so falsly reported the grief, if the member did actually grief I wouldnt ban him until I fully understood why he did it and why he is still argueing. I would firstly ask the members what there side of the story was and then do the same for the moderators, after I have the full story I shall try and come to a suitable conclusion. once the argument was concluded I would issue a ban to the griefer(s) and then make the moderator who was constantly muting the the member to apoligise. Say the moderators had been the ones causing the issue I would dish out a suitable punishment.

6. I have been with the dark gaming server from around 2 weeks before june 7th 2012, before then I was a admin on a small classic minecraft server when I was 9. the server however was soon to crumble. when I first joined I didnt even now that well how to play (didnt know how to type). since then I have made countless friends that have came and gone… I have learnt countless tshock commands and what tshock is, I also now understand alot more about gaming in genral ie. steam and what is was o.o bare in mind I was only 10 when I first joined :P. To conclude the question, everything I know about terraria today is becuase of this server.

Thanks everyone for supporting me and inspiring me to make this. Im not good with words so expect some spelling and grammar errors. I dont have a set time limit to how long this takes becuase i presume the time will go towards better thinking :P.

[-Connor PJ] EDIT: I have currently completed 3/3 training sessions with BoB (A.K.A: RubberDuckyFoxtrot!)

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+1 i think Connor would be an awesome admin. He is a great friend, an awesome mod and deserves admin xD He is one of my best friends i have made on this server and we were friends from the start just about. xD good luck

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i think that you would be a great admin. you would be fair. you deserve a +1 :slight_smile:

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I see that you made this with big effort. The application is just… perfect. You definetly earned my 1+ :slight_smile:

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This is a wonderful application. Even though you do have a few grammar mistakes that doesn’t stop you from writing an amazing application.(Which you have done.) Clearly you have put a lot of effort into this and you have thought about it for a long time. I would rate you a 11/10 for your effectiveness rating as a member of staff, because you are friendly, polite, smart and generally an awesome member of the staff. You really deserve my 1+, actually you deserve a +80 but anyway I can only give you a +1. D: So without further ado, here’s my +1. :slight_smile:
Good luck Connor! :slight_smile:


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This is one of the best (and longest) Admin application I have seen. Well written. Best of luck. +1

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There are many reasons you deserve this connor.
1) You have much experience, and you know what your doing.
2) You are one of the best friends anyone could ever have.
3) Your grammar is almost perfect.
+1 :smiley:


This is absolutely fantastic, Connor. I have no words to express it. I’m in complete awe. I truly hope you earn such a rank, here is my +1, I present it to you with the upmost respect.



+1 the application was long your grammer perfect and you get The Terra OS upgrade dadadaa


Connor is a great moderator already and I am surprised he has not applied for admin yet so 1+


Heck ya Connor for Admin +1 "]


First off I shall say this is an amazing application, one of the best I have ever seen. It has alot of information in it, and I can tell you worked very hard on it. Also, it contains perfect grammar, and it’s well laid out. Second I will say that you are an amazing friend, and overall person in general. You are funny, as well as smart and polite. Also, you are just an amazing staff member, and you are very active. There is so much I could say, but I think that is good for now. I highly recommend this man as an admin, and he deserves this position! 100/10 *cough 10/10. +1


Thanks everybody for the flattering support and +1’s. Didn’t expect so many fast paste responses in such a short period of time. Well should have seen it coming because at the end of the day you people are awesome. :stuck_out_tongue:


Great application. I believe that this person would make an exceptional admin. +1


This is a great application and I’ve known you since the ultimate world v2 and you are a responsible staff member, so good luck in the upgrading of the rank and here’s my +1.


This application is great and long! +1! :slight_smile:


You have been here ages now and I think its about time you had something else other than Moderator. I am sure that you have much more experience than other Moderators.

Most of these applications are more than just their contents; the person applying is mostly what is taken into account and the confidence in that person. Your dedication has shown that you have enough experience to certainly become an Admin it is just a matter of knowledge of the commands issued to an Administrator.

However, Administrators are mostly more than they used to be. Admins have a management or specific role purpose. If you have any specific in mind I will take it into consideration. Nonetheless if this application passes then you will be given a few options.


Yay!!! You really deserve it, Connor! Good luck! :smiley:


Once you’ve completed all 3 training sessions which I will allow BoB to finish with you (I’ll give you a way of tempgrouping BoB). I’ll mark your app to make sure its suitable, and then you’ll need to pick an Administrative Role.


That’s a nice and long sentence that isn’t spam zues. :wink: Also, nice job connor.