[Accepted] Helper Application

{Q1} My Ign is XxSlayerxX, change between XxSlayerxX(Rgr).

{Q2} I am active everyday, and glad to be on when I have the chance

{Q3} I wanted to be a helper because I’m interested in helping my friends, meeting new people, and help to the common good of this server. Furthermore, I am very mature and I think I can handle this responsible job.

{Q4} If someone where to ask me a question, I would drop whatever I’m doing and help them. Even if it means dying with a hardcore character. (I’m serious). Ill do this because I like helping people, and make them feel their being listened to, unlike people who ignore them.

{Q5} Yes I think I do have the knowledge because I’ve been playing Terraria for a while, and I know almost everything in the game.
Sometimes, I lose my mind and forget, but I always seem to remember.

{Q6} My name is Elliot, and I have many friends on this server, and real life. For example, Nemesis (Pickles), Legoman, Bob and many, many more! I am very responsible and respectful to everyone, and love meeting new people. I have lots of experience on helping people because that’s just my hobby and I have a class that I’m “T.A” that helps students learn. Now I want to admit, I do make mistakes. Everyone does and I don’t want to be blamed for that. Overall, I am a very respectful person, who enjoy helping people achieve their goals. Thanks for your time and consideration and have a good day! :smiley:

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need to add some punctuations, and proper spelling

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+1 well written application. Meets the helper app format. I have seen you contribute to helping multiple people already on the server today.

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This is a very well written application. I like that you admit to making mistakes! :smiley: +1 From me.
EDIT: After realising that you disrespected staff, (and also one of the owners of the server and site…) I choose to revoke my +1. You didn’t even apologise or wait the needed amount of time to reapply.

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Thanks for the support guys! :smiley:

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This is pretty good and you do help and back us helpers out a lot. +1 here!

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It is much better than the last; but since you disrespected rofl and various other staff I’m not going to upvote

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I would think that you would make a great helper, you are always willing to go out of your way, but what 2Khajit2Quit just said, it made me want to hold my +1. Although I believe you will do better so +1.

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Thanks everyone! I hope ill see you guys around :smiley:

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In relation to Q5:
Helpers aren’t supposed to be the wikis of terraria they are supposed to know facts about the server and this website. People will be asking about how to be crew/member. (most of the time.) My point is that I think you should view the question differently and maybe add little more. EDIT: My +1 still stands because you do help and that’s what helpers do. As said in the previous edit of mine, I revoke my +1.

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You’re going to have a long wait before this app can even be considered.

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Finally someone realizes it cant be considered for 12 days… :stuck_out_tongue:

Should we lock it for that time or keep it open?

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mine was kept open when i applied a day or two early…

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he applied 13 days early

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i know…

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You applied a day or two early. That’s why yours was ok.

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Dragon, your the one who told me to make another thread…

Dragon, your the one who told me to make another thread…

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sorry. i forgot :confused: 4give me? i really sorry

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