[Accepted] Dunder147's Helper application

-You must have been on the server for a least Four days: As a member for a while as crew about three days since my steam as be en buggy but if you count overall more then months since I was banned by fred then unbanned by noxa then banned from him.
-Not have any past offenses put on you (within the last 5 days) even if they are as low as warnings:I have none from anyone.
-Have good spelling and grammar: I do most the time but if I type to fast I would correct my self alot.
-I do have a Verified In-Game account: I do have terraira on steam not a cracked person
-Be mature I will be even if I do be denied (I would like to say this I did get into a fight a while ago and no staff were there I was encountered by a cracked version and I had pvp’ed him he lost all the of the time I had dueled him, If I do become staff I will ensure he is brought to server justice! )
Exact Format:
[Q1]What is your In-game name:Dunder147 same as my Real life name.
[Q2]How often are you on the server:Everyday at least When ever i have free time basically everyday and I would help out on the server to keep it safe.
[Q3]Why do you want to be a helper?:I would like to be a helper to insure safety in the server. Although helper wont be able to do much but muting can insure alot of things. Mostly of the members are suing cracked versions they use it so then there steam could not be used they use that power when no staff are online for example a while ago a user named &()8ERT (protecting the user unless staff ask for the name) no staff were on and started a fight. If I had the power to mute he would have been muted
[Q4]Tell us about your self:I am a active cookie lover who enjoys playing halo custom games and war games :D. I love the anime space dandy and fariy tale. I have water intoxication which is bad since I do drink to much water (mostly while gaming :P) I really do not have anything esle to say other then I love the new server!

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I am not going to post a vote because uhh use the helper format

Until then I i don’t have a vote

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I agree with perky. I’m not voting yet.

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Uh is this for mod or helper? xD

It says helper but…

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Its fixed sorry about that

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I changed my vote your a very nice and helpful person on the server well written app i see you worked hard on it
+1 good luck!

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Heh Thanks perks!

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I like it +1

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Aye, I think you deserve this. +1

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Thanks now I’m a helper just rofl has to see this probably I’ll be one in a week but thanks!

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This Application has been Accepted. I see no problem in you becoming a Helper and have yet to find one.

This thread is now Closed.

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