[Accepted] Admin Application

PHEW, Yea its that time already community members, almost a couple months ago I promised that when at least (1-2) a month passed I would apply for administrator and see how my fate unfolds. I leave this to the discretion of my fellow staff and community members to advise and even support. Enjoy reading because I’m pretty sure when all this is over I might have carpo-tunnel x-x…

Firstly I’m going to state my command knowledge ; I know pretty high level commands, Even if I’m unfamiliar with some I simply pull up my t-shock command wikia and get the gist and take it to heart. I’m ready on this part at least.

As for the training sessions I await them, This is simply being put out there first due to me being a sort of “work-a-holic” I need to have this out of the way so I can focus on the server instead of writing monologue. Which is important it just has its time and place and to be honest this was quite fun ; Enjoy my responses.

[Q1] Every server has a variety of staff variation, particularly in the administrator and moderator “department”. I feel if I am promoted to this region I can inevitably create a sort of “persona” of the most methodical and well “scientific” admin. I’m pretty level headed from what I understand from my community and staff acquaintances and being this rank will of course provide me new opportunities to help us as a whole. My goals are simple ; Promote order and reason, and keep the place clean (Its pretty much “spotless” ie; Our staff does a great job of helping and getting rid of rule breakers/etc. ). That is why I desire this position.

[Q2] 8.6 out of 10. I can be blunt with my responses and that varies from people to people ; If they want to hear the truth then they love it…Others who want some empty lie get a little red in the face. Going from that I’m pretty active and I get on at a regular basis , As far as carrying my obligations in game I haven’t got a complaint yet so I think that says something.

[Q3] Oh that’s an easy one, I would immediately tell them to stop and announce it is their first and final warning. A staff member targeting a player is just plain moronic since they knew the sets of responsibilities that came with the “job”.

[Q4] I would get on as much as I can, Keeping one ear to the site and the other to the server to make sure everything is ok. And for times when I’m not there I would ask a responsible staff (Everyone literally.) member to watch my post until I return from my short recess which might be eating or taking a shower and anything in between (restroom). Upon arrival I would remind you about my current status of power incase you forgot ; Give you a report of all the events that transpired during absence in full detail, The power bit simply means I would remind you that I still have free reign of commands and at any time you may take them away when deemed necessary as you are already here and therefor my position may be once again limited.

[Q5] (Leaving the dialogue here for reference.) :

2 members and 2 Moderators are arguing. The members claim that both Moderators have been annoying them for reasons which cannot be proven and such have reason to believe that they have done nothing wrong but are still being punished for it. One of the Moderators is telling one of the members to ‘shut up’ and is muting them mid-argument. The other is spewing casual responses such as ‘yea’ and ‘I agree’. Meanwhile the other member is trying to get his point across to no avail. The Moderators claim that these members have been breaking some rules. Including: Using CAPS on one of his messages, swearing at them and griefing. The Moderators say they haven’t yet checked if they’d griefed but some people were reporting them to have. <

First off I would take control of the situation, stating if both parties didn’t calm down they would be muted for about five minutes due to the chaotic nature of this event. I would assess the situation and find out as much as I could which is included but not limited to ; Looking in the logs (Or reviewing the chat box, Both actually) , using history , asking community members . When I would obtain said results I would unmute and present my evidence for them to testify to in an ORDEARLY fashion. I would also monitor the moderators when they issue out proper punishment OR I would issue punishment on their part if they disserved it due to the circumstance (abusing commands) , Or maybe even both if the situation is deemed so. I would of course ask some reliable staff member for their opinion’s on my ruling (most likely pop or anyone else) , I’d even state in the forums all my reasoning so it may be publically viewed.

All of this within about a 15 to 9 minute period of course, I’m not slow after all.

[Q6] During my first time coming to dark gaming I knew it would be an enjoyable experience. I rose through the ranks of helper and clawed my way up to moderator using my “superior” knowledge. From what I can tell everyone admires my intuitive forum posts and rulings…Even normal day to day opinions. I became charismatic to an extent in order to come off as a “nice” staff member and doing so also even made me have a less “dismal” (Exaggerating of course) look on school life (More or less study when you need to, planning stuff and issuing rulings helped me again be more organized). Server management with you guys has actually made me even more organized and I thank you all personally from my heart for that fact. While I may have had some bumps in the sodded path that is dark-gaming they have been far and in-between and for that I am grateful. And here I sit waiting for the moment that counts most ; Am I worthy enough for admin? Without a doubt I expect a fair ruling and I cant wait to see the feedback. Until then, community and staff alike. Thank you and Ciao.

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You are very smart, and very helpful to the server and the members. I believe you have what it takes to be an admin. +1 For sure.

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Ah, thanks.

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You where great when you came on u looked for a grief then sorted it 1+

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BUMP! Come one guys he deserves it!

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Apaturescience/Hazama, Let me just say that you are one of the greatest moderators on the server. I think you would make a wonderful Admin and therefor you have my +1. (Even though it doesn’t count I’m still upvoting this.) Good luck!

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Thanks once more everyone, Also supporting my application is kind of like providing your “graces” it takes into account how many people actually want me as an admin.

It also sort of proves the select persons’s popularity with the community, I guess you could look at them like brownie points.

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Oh! Awesome. :slight_smile:

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Yep, I got at least 5 supporters last time. Now I have three ; Lets see if I can break that and get 6? Possibly more? Hopefully anyways.

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I’m sure you can! A lot of people think you’re awesome and I’m sure the majority would think of you as an amazing admin.

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Yes, he should have like 10 +1’s right now cmon!

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Ah, thanks once more.

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YOU DESRVE ADMIN I GIVE U 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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Well that makes four, close to It. Just need 2 more positive feedback responses/support statements.

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Why 6?

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Because I got five before. As previously stated.

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Bump! Can’t let this slip away.

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I haven’t played with you before but as far as what i have seen from your app and your threads you seem to be a very reliable and helpful moderator who should most likely be a admin in the near future :smiley: +1

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Chen please stop bumping so much. It’s fine here but please don’t on helper apps. It makes others inclined to post replies like “yeah chen” that just fill up the pages on the thread.

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What are you talking about, I am replying to what they said to me, or just giving the applicant some advice. Also I am not the only one doing that, so please don’t target me all the time. Also I am done talking on this thread, because it is derailing.

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