About registering

I understand that guest want to play free, but on some servers people cant play when they not logged on. Can you add this please

I believe guests should be able to access Items, PvE, and PvP since they’re the rudimentary appeals of the server.



You aren’t a guest, so there’s literally no difference for you…


As of now guests, have limited access to Build and no access to Survival, and I don’t believe there’s any problem with this.

Perhaps you could also include Zombies into this category of barred dimensions, but guests constitute the largest group of players that actively play Zombies.


This is also impossible. The server requires you to play on it for a while before registering, but with all dimensions being blocked there wouldn’t be any difference.

If this is changed, Member would just be the new Guest.

There is literally no point


Wait, are you saying that you want it to be so guests can’t play on the server at all?
Assuming you are:

  1. Why in the world?

  2. Like Mado said, member would just be the new guest. If guests couldn’t play on the server, then there would have to be major changes to the registering system - like changing the register requirement from 2 days to just a few hours or one, and maybe even completely removing the register wait. Theres a reason why the register system is like this, and theres no reason to change it.

  3. The amount of players in the server would decrease massively, especially if you needed to wait time before registering. Most people go onto a server to check it out quickly and if they like it they’d stay on it. If i came into a new server and was required to register before even being able to see anything about the server, i would just leave - and most others would too. Less players, and especially less players to the extent that a change like this would make, would ruin the server.

  4. Yet again, why? If you were a guest and maybe gave at least a reason for this to be done people might at least partly agree, but you’re a member and haven’t even given reasons in this post. Because of this it could seem like you just want to bar innocent people from playing other than yourself, and that would be… “not very poggers”.


Other servers have it like this (only Terraria One that I know of)
but there’s no reason to change it, @NetherOw what’s your reason for this?


Most servers do this. Dark Gaming is the only server that has a waiting time after registering an account.


The main reason why guests are allowed in the server is to visit/lookaround. If you barred them from looking around then they’d be stuck in rift for hours or days because of Rep Mode


Pedguin server too


and on pedguin guests very limited. More, newly logged in person limited less, but still a lot they can’t do. And on pedguin very small percentage of guests.


Though still, you havent really given a reason, why would you want this? If youre saying it should happen because other servers either completely or partly do it - thats not really a reason. Suggestions should be made to better the server, not to make it more similar to other non-DG servers.


Whats the point tho


Once you’re registered an account on Pedguins, you can instantly login that account. I don’t think this has changed.

Guests can’t access some minigames or have limited access to some abilities and classes in those minigames. Access to those features require permissions that are granted by leveling up on an account. However, guests still have access to most of the server’s features.


I am speaking about CTG and survival. Also, theres vanity for ranks


Note that Guests only have limited access to these two gamemodes in Pedguins.

In CTG, you can pick from a limited amount of classes as a guest. To access all of the classes, you must make an account and level-up. This may be a hindrance, but it’s the only one in Pedguins.

Like in Dark Gaming, Pedguin’s Survival excludes guests. Unlike Dark Gaming, you need to be of a certain rank to access Pedguin’s Survival. However, I don’t think there’s any problem with either case.

Vanities are purely cosmetic and have no bearing on gameplay in Pedguins.


think with me, if guests get allowed to survival, the chances of raid of hackers will be increased by 500%, not joking, probably will increase drasticaly, so not allow them to join anywhere is an barrier to prevent hackers. btw imagine 50 players doing nothing on the survival just fucking the boss health


Agree with you


What was the point of this suggestion then lol


There are a lot of bad things about guests in survival that dont apply to other gamemodes. If guests were allowed, there might be way more players which would increase every bosses stats drastically. Also, hackers in survival are horrible because what they do can last a long time. If hacked items start circulating, then the problem cant be fixed - you could only wait a week until the reset. All of this doesnt apply to other gamemodes. Hacks in other gamemodes wont affect them for a week, they can be banned with no trouble, and its better if theres a little more hackers yet a bigger playerbase. Some gamemodes might start having barely any players without guests, and they could easily die.