can we get something called /vote skip in zombies if a map bugs out and at least half the players have to /vote yes or /vote no to reset the map or change the map that way people dont have to get a mod/staff to do commands to fix the spawns from some of the mobs and people dont have to wait 15min for everyone to leave the map you can have it so half the people will have to vote yes or no to skip a map or reset the map (/vote reset, /vote skipmap)
Imo, I dont view this as completely necessary, as the whole bug is something that was brought with 1.4, and will be patched eventually. Its a way to fix it ‘now’, yeah, but you’d get stuck on round 6 on the next map, and would also open a new way for players to just spam/troll with those commands. I doubt there is a way to easily have Zombies itself detect whether a lobby is bugged or not, too. The only other option I can think of is to just to have the /vote command be available on round 6, but I doubt most people will care to vote to skip, and will just leave regardless, after a period of waiting.