Zombies Targets

It became so boring to play zombies. Why there’s no targets, for example:
Reach round 7 on every map
Get round 11 on Winter’s howl
Upgrade 1000 hp with shaman (to you and other)

Reward: get 3 loot boxes or special color or DP amount

/targets [uncompleted/completed] [page number]
/targethelp [target id]

I dont agree with there being targets that work like achievements, but it seems like having missions would be fun. (3 missions, resets every 6 hours or so, you get some dp and xp for completing them)


I’m didnt say that this targets permanent (achievements), I agree with any


You already get DP and XP from playing Zombies. And the point of the game is to have fun, is it not? If you’re getting bored of the gamemode, then taking a break is always an option, rather than forcing yourself to play more for rewards.


I agree with Flaef. I don’t want achievements or missions in Zombies.


I made my comment without thinking too much, now that i think about it id hate achievements or missions. With missions, having a timer would really make it bad because it would limit something behind waiting. Without a timer, it could be too op and missions still wouldn’t be that fun. Achievements suck because there’s bound to be either extremely hard or extremely boring missions, and some people would get frustrated with zombies because of the bad achievements, making it not fun for them. I know i would get frustrated, part of me is a completionist and trying to complete all the achievements would just feel more like work rather than having fun playing. I love zombies the way it is and there are only some changes i want (cutom mob waves which seems like itll come out soon, and removing ability penalty).


I created this post because it became so boring. I am started to creating my own targets.
For example: reaching round 7 on every map. I first time liked bewitched and Winter’s howl. And i want that people not only know Cryptic and Mystic, i want make other maps popular, but yes, not with own thinking

And yes, this is too fun every game: /vote Cryp/myst/lunar then /ability dual wield

Pick other to complete. You have fuĺl choice


I think people, who created other map very sad, cuz their map is hated. Me, like map creator really believe that my maps even if won’t very loved by people, they will interesting.


My reasoning here wasn’t the best, but I still stand by it. Completing 1 mission wouldn’t be my or some other completionists’ goal, it would be completing every single mission. This includes the hard and boring missions that are extremely difficult to complete, both because of skill and because of mental capacity. The fact that those hard achievements exist would be very frustrating.

People like maps other than cryptic and mystic too. Plus, if this was true, achievements would make other maps more hated by “normal people” because as I partly said before, having to go do achievements on other maps would make them feel more like work rather than fun achievements.


Yes, lunar and snow. No more


Usually in this case “people” means master zombies players lol


There are still more


Imagine not getting bored of playing the same game over and over again because it’s easy.


Yes, others play rarely


I don’t think this is a bad idea. Contrary to what others have said, there are literally already “missions” or “achievements”, they’re called unlockable abilities. The difference in your suggestion is that there would be one’s that have different rewards than new abilities. I would say this is something for further down the line when some more things have been sorted out trading system wise.


I haven’t really given my two cents on this, I kind of like the idea as well. I think having missions/quests would be interesting depending on what they gave (DP, XP, etc) assuming they’re not that hard, hard missions might give a lot of DP or XP but would only be possible on easy maps (not that that’s bad). I would hope that these missions would be achievable on maps that aren’t verified for DP/XP, because that would give more point to playing them instead of just only playing ones that do give DP and XP.


This is a long-winded response to this Suggestion, so to summarize it, although I dislike quests and achievements, I’m willing to consider them depending on the rewards they offer and their requirements for completion.

This is an argument of personal preference, but nevertheless, I dislike daily quests. To paraphrase Flaef, It’s a mechanic that continually urges you to play the game over and over, and to a point, it makes the experience feel like a monotonous grind. (This is a reason why I’ve stopped voting for Dark Gaming everyday.)

Contrastively, despite also disliking achievements, I’m more receptive to it than daily quests.

I only agree with the former quote to an extent. I actually enjoy achievement hunting, but I don’t like spending days trying to get difficult achievements. The argument the latter quote proposes is
predicated on the assumption there will be “boring missions that are extremely difficult to complete.”

If achievements were to be implemented, I’d want them to be challenging but not unnecessarily difficult or time-consuming. For example, I wouldn’t want an achievement for playing 100 games of Zombies.

If you don't like it, don't do it.

This is a hypothetical argument that is completely valid, only if unlockable content isn’t barred behind these quests and achievements. There’d be a problem depending on whether this unlockable content is vital to the game or whether. . .

However, if the rewards for the completion of these quests and achievements are DP and Exp, I can’t really argue with the aforementioned hypothetical argument.

Additionally, as Madofado suggests, assuming these quests are fine-tuned, I think they can actually benefit Zombies (although I’d still dislike them for the reason brought up by Flaef.)


I didnt really know exactly how to explain, but i knew that if timer missions were added it would be horrible. This made me realize, and its also why ive basically quit the good idle games that i used to play for quite a long time.

I dont know how something could be too one-time, but achievements seem too one-time. If one of the big reasons which i guess i partially agree with is to get new players to play other maps, a limited number of achievements that are completed and youll never have to do them again would just get players to play other maps a couple of times to get the achievements and then stop playing it, especially if they considered the achievements and map to be frustrating and hell.

If something was to be added, i would like it if it were relatively easy missions that you could reset at any time. Or other difficulties, like maybe youd get an easy, medium, and hard mission, and youd have to complete 2 missions to reset your mission list. Achievements still might be a little fun but if missions were added correctly, missions would likely be better.

To be honest, all that really matters is they get added correctly if theyre added.


Agree with it, but i like both: missions and achievements