Video documentation/collection of Glasia in PvP

I will not duel until the end of the month because dueling gets negatively on my body which I saw when assessing with a guest out how much i get stressed: stress raises, my heartbeat goes up to 120 (measured with index and middle finger against left chest, 10 seconds, multiplied result by 6), pressure somewhere around 160:100 (did not measure, just an estimate), tunnel view on my screen, sweating like I am followed by a bandit in real life. I will retry somewhere at the start of March, if it did not change I consider not dueling anymore, in favor of my health. Thank you for your consideration.


you just think that
remove your stress


No, having such high pulse + all the extras that equate to symptomes of real stress similar like you are being followed by a bandit irl, while just pvping is not healthy for one. So because I care about my health I decided to at least pause it.


its just a game


I had one time similar things with playing Riptide GP 3 on my father’s tablet when I was in like 3rd or 4th grade or so: so my parents supervised me and said it was not good that at that game my breath stopped for some seconds just because of a game. I learnt if a game invokes stress symptomes that only occur if your in real life life is threatened then I should at least take a very long break.

This is not funny having at a gamemode same body reactions like being threatened to be stabbed irl.


I play the pvp gamemode all the time and never had the stress


I would like to mention that PVP duels is not for everyone.
Also just because you and 90% don’t have stress it does not imply that no one has.
Another thing to add is that I will continue FFA, as there I did not have so much stress but not duel for a while because of very high stress.
Now I know my limits and it is very good to know one’s limits.


i would recommend finding stress relief so you can easily duel more


I will sleep a night about the stress and on the morning I will be able to discuss that.


Due to school stress because of so many lessons are randomly cancelled yet we have to still get the curriculum done for the Abitur, the German A levels I will be generaly less on in DG.

Also I saw in recent that PVP in general isn’t something for me, not only the duels invoke in me stress that normally comes only if you are in real life chased by bandits, but the FFA too which adds stress on top of thr school stress. So I will stop the PVP adventures for now to keep stress down. I thank you all for constructive help in those 4.5 months.

I will still come to PVE and participate in the zombie map tests and help on Phase new users. Yesterday I discovered on another server that building is where I am better placed. So I will also only build zombie maps in /build and help others at building here in DG, other builds on the other build server that is unrelated in any way to DG.