Fact not too fun? : I am actually very shy when im on Live virtual chats(Like in game,even if is written like terraria/ Zoom/Discord/Whatsapp/telegram/Other similar chat services…), even that im talking to people that i have meet
But im very accesible when is “calm’” chats (Like where you take your time?, Here/Reddit)
The thing is that i don’t have problems when is about talking face to face a person (You know, Before Pandemy), So… Im weird
I know, right? It would be the perfect drop for him. It looks great and I could see myself using it in a ton of vanities, but sadly it just doesn’t exist. There really aren’t any good tribal mask options.
Sodium(Na)= Literally explodes on hydrogen (water, and other things)
Chlorine (Cl) = Extremely toxic gas/(Or in liquid also) that will cause a lot of problems on almost any living thing that drinks/breath it
Salt (NaCl) =yummy!, now food tastes better! (also needed on your body in small portions 1.5g -2.3g)
Yeah… Our planet physics and bodys can be amazing some times… (Or weird)