Stupid Feuds

Apaturescience has created threads about individual people. (Epic and Angel). But I have something I am fed up about also. These stupid feuds that are going on privately between pms and wall posts. I have now witnessed a piece of those comments that were with the feud. First off, EBM and Angel we know you don’t like each other, but this has gone on for long enough. This has escalated to other peoples walls as well. EBM was blaming EBM for saying that his ADHD caused his actions. Of course another thing that she has to argue with, with EBM. As I have said walls are being argued on that are not even their own. This is where it has to stop. Guys we know you don’t like each other. But lay off! People are getting fed up with swearing on their walls, and seeing this arguing go non-stop. Just think for a second and just think to yourself before you post a comment that may or may not contain profanity or a mean thing.

Angel… A lot of this is Angel’s Fault. I’m not saying that this is entirely her fault exactly, but it is a big part. Angel, stop going public about your opinions of EBM. You have posted on numerous walls because you are banished and cannot post on the thread or shoutbox. While you were talking on your wall, and other people’s you main topic was how much you hated EBM. My gosh can’t you just cool off and not complain about him? This is one of the reasons you got banished is being mean to Epic. I would Just like to say personally that it has no purpose. Why do it? It got you banned in the first place, why do it again?

Epic… Although Angel is being mean to you, you have been aggrivating here and setting her off. Just leave her alone and we won’t have any more incidents and this topic will not have to be revisited. Please Epic just don’t bother her. As I said about Angel. It has no purpose. All you are doing is trying to set a petty point. There is no reason for it, you just want too and I am saying, do not want too, just don’t. Also some of the feuds involved with you did not even have Angel in them. Such as you swearing and using Profanity against LikeASir about cats. Like I sad, NO PURPOSE.

I ask everyone in the DG community to just end these stupid feuds. Nobody wants to see them or be in them.

Thank you.



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I agree; stop spamming peoples’ walls with your garbage. Just stop trying to prove you’re better than the other person, because in that act you are proving that you are immature enough to argue like this.

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Exactly as I was trying to say. It just applied to other people.

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Aye. Well said my friend. This does need to stop, and I would prefer it to end soon, to put an end to all of these worthless disputes.

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It’s okay guys. EpicBossMan apologized to me but I’m not too sure about Angel though. [quote=Angel] thats because everyone else pisses me off and gives me no respect AT ALL. (this is to me>)you do, thank you.[/quote] (That’s why Angel hates everybody and is mean to everybody.)

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Well, that’s up to Angel if she wants to. No one can make her do anything.

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that includes swearing

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Angel, do u want ur wall filled with other people spamming someone else? I wouldnt! post on ur OwN wall why dontcha? dont bug other people plz. it hasnt happened to me but if it DoEs…u dont wanna know.

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