My ban appeal (speed shy)

You should correct your appeal, it should have more than 1 sentence, and it should be detailed (in the best way you can) on each question. You have the format down which is good. :+1:

[A2] You did break the rules, maybe not knowingly but you did (I advise you read the Rules).

[A4] Items do not spawn in by themselves magically. The first occurrence you had 1 Legendary Starlight before Empress of Light was defeated, I removed it from your inventory. You had then gotten 3 more Legendary Starlights which I also had removed (1 in the hotbar, and 2 in the Void Vault). And finally, you had gotten 4 more (1 in hotbar, 3 in Void Vault), which I removed then banned you for Modified Client - Spawning in items through abnormal means.