How is your day?
The primitive datatypes are:
Integers (signed and unsigned)
long long - 128 bits - 16 bytes - UUID, IPV6
long - 64 bits - 8 bytes - Unix time
int - 32 bits - 4 bytes - IPV4
short - 16 bits - 2 bytes - directly related to char
byte - 8 bits - 1 byte
Decimal point numbers
half - 16 bits - 2 bytes
single/float - 32 bits - 4 bytes
double - 64 bits - 8 bytes
boolean - 1 bit
char - 16 bits - 2 bytes
Compound datatypes:
Where is @SolarDeity
just beat eol classic les go
pipis is coming to destory the frenzy WE NEED THE COMMENTS TO BLOCK IT
nah i dont mind the pipis
@FAdadadada is back!!!
Hello, @popstarfreas, how are you?
I wish you a happy birthday!
And I wish you everything goodin life!
happy birthday rofle
Happy B-day popstarfreas!
8 hours later: no likes from rofle
@popstarfreas , how are you feeling?
hello humans i come to thee to exist
now to finish school for the week and join survival heyeahyeahyeahah
just realized something… this thread will close after reaching the 10k reply limit
huh what are you talking about
So there is a game testers channel? how did this get under my radar, was it privated for a bit?
i am here to sign off and leave for just a few hpurs…l