Close ban appeals only if they have been accepted or denied and not after a specific timespan

Both happens. When an appellee becomes inactive and when a staff becomes inactive/(or probably something else). No idea which occurs more often though.

Like this one

Toilet256 ban appeal continue - #3 by Anonymous

I Have Been Recently when i was only getting some items Please Resolve rhis issue or tell me which rule i break

The appellee became inactive.

And sometimes like this one. Both sides are active, appellee and the assigned staff but the content of the appeal isn’t correct… then… it just gets ignored until it gets corrected or bumped by the appellee. But this one got ignored in the end :xaa: . Wierd ban a few years ago - #4 by VoidFox2008

There are other reasons why it closes, but yeah(?) more on the staff side.

Oh, I’m just showing examples here.