Chlorophyte Partisan Buff

[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Chlorophyte Partisan (Spore Cloud Projectile)

[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Increase the velocity and reduce the damage of the Spore Cloud projectile.

[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
Chlorophyte Partisan as it is is a really weird weapon it’s random niche of a wall piercing projectile. However, the projectile doesn’t travel nearly far enough to constitute using it as a wallpierce.
To compare, Solar Eruption typically has just enough range to hit players past various walls in various arenas. Solar Eruption’s range is ~33 blocks with the Unreal prefix. The partisan’s projectile, however, has a range of ~22 blocks with Unreal. The cloud projectile’s range is simply too short to use as a wall pierce, which is why I suggest a slight velocity buff.
Now, considering how spammable the partisan is, it’s easy to do a lot of damage to anyone behind a wall, considering the projectile’s base damage is high, which is why I also suggest a damage nerf.
The partisan itself is fine as is, I don’t feel it needs any changes, just the spore cloud and its lackluster wall piercing.

[Anything else you would like to note]
We’re 2 for 2 on buffed chlorophyte melee weapons, can we make it three?
(Also, I don’t know where to mention this, but for some reason, the chlorophyte claymore’s projectiles’ velocity is back to the default 15, I don’t know if this was an intended change or a bug, it has been like this for a while now)


might be a good idea, i dont really use the partisan for this reason


I agree but mostly because we don’t have many good spears mushroom, glaive. And that’s it also; I’m tired of enemy killing ppl with saber :hypertrauma:


Bumping this suggestion
Might have to modify chlorophyte saber as well, since it and partisan share the same projectile (Spore Cloud (228))


Chlorophyte Saber was modded by changing the sword’s velocity instead of the projectile’s velocity


Everyone be talking about buffing Chloro weapons but why not make some newer weapons like Gladius or older weapons like phase blades relevant, and or viable


Would really enjoy some fresh new weapons to mess around with


The problem with buffing weapons like gladius and the phaseblades is they don’t have nearly enough range to compete with other melee weapons and they don’t have any projectiles to modify, which means you either have a weaker breaker blade or a copper shortsword alternative.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Sniper scope usage on mobile

The spear broken and not working anymore

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