[What is the actual item/mechanic/thing being targeted?]
Chlorophyte Partisan (Spore Cloud Projectile)
[What would you like specifically changed about it?]
Increase the velocity and reduce the damage of the Spore Cloud projectile.
[Why do you feel that this change is needed?]
Chlorophyte Partisan as it is is a really weird weapon it’s random niche of a wall piercing projectile. However, the projectile doesn’t travel nearly far enough to constitute using it as a wallpierce.
To compare, Solar Eruption typically has just enough range to hit players past various walls in various arenas. Solar Eruption’s range is ~33 blocks with the Unreal prefix. The partisan’s projectile, however, has a range of ~22 blocks with Unreal. The cloud projectile’s range is simply too short to use as a wall pierce, which is why I suggest a slight velocity buff.
Now, considering how spammable the partisan is, it’s easy to do a lot of damage to anyone behind a wall, considering the projectile’s base damage is high, which is why I also suggest a damage nerf.
The partisan itself is fine as is, I don’t feel it needs any changes, just the spore cloud and its lackluster wall piercing.
[Anything else you would like to note]
We’re 2 for 2 on buffed chlorophyte melee weapons, can we make it three?
(Also, I don’t know where to mention this, but for some reason, the chlorophyte claymore’s projectiles’ velocity is back to the default 15, I don’t know if this was an intended change or a bug, it has been like this for a while now)