Use the movement wheel to use the abilities.
If you are confused about how you should use the wheel:
- You can drag your wheel downwards if the activation requires the S key (example: shaman requires two S presses to increase the health upgrade bar, so you can move the wheel down twice to do that)
- You can drag your wheel upwards if the activation requires the W key (example: you can do a double jump with telekinesis, but it requires an S key followed by a W key, so you can move the wheel downwards then upwards to activate the double jump)
- You can drag your wheel to the left or right if the activation requires the A or D keys (example: you can dash with the telekinesis ability like you do with a tabi, so just do the same thing you do with the tabi)
Remember that you shouldn’t hold the wheel in a direction for too long or else the activation will be unsuccessful.