Theres something wrong in DTP

Hi please fix this issue about DTP because the tag and color is wrong when im chat i remove then replace and buy a new color but nothing happens it still sky blue and my tag is the fat

In the picture above the color is sky blue and the tag is the fat when im chat

And here my color is blue then the tag is the criminal please fix this issue :sob:


This probably isn’t very helpful, but maybe reload your DTP page. It has some errors (usually because the page doesn’t update) that are fixed when you reload. This has happened to me with lootboxes still existing after being opened (but give erros when tried to open again) and when DP, XP, and my other stats don’t update after doing something that changes them. Your changes might not have been saved somehow, so reloading would fix it.

However, it’s probably a different issue. I vaguely remember someone else’s post about something similar or identical, but I’m not sure where that is right now.


I could not reproduce this in-game.

Perhaps your colors, tags, and titles work now, since it has been a while since you’ve experienced this issue. I surmise this is a problem of latency.


Well i reload but it still sky blue and the tag is still the fat when im chat in the server


Yup, like I said, probably not the culprit

I really wouldn’t know that much about the system, so asking a staff member would probably be more helpful. I’m not sure who manages the DTP though, it might be around the forum somewhere.

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In the server? Do you actually mean every dimension? I thought this was only an issue in lobbies.

If this is the case, then refer to this thread:

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Pvp,pve,gamemodes etc still sky blue and the fat


I check the lifetime of my color and tag is 58 minutes


There is also a glitch where a color, title, or tag is permanently affixed and irremovable.

In this case, If you try to equip new ones then refresh the page, the ones the you’ve tried to equipped will be put back in the inventory.

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I don’t think lifetimes matter anymore, mine are seemingly infinite despite still having a time variable.

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Look at this:


I deleted the other color and tag because my inventory is almost full then i deleted sky blue color and tag (the fat)… him if im play in the server 1-2h then the life time of sky blue and the fat is 0 and the color and tag that i choose will work now? him…


Also, if your old color, tag, and title are still present, it’s an old bug with no clear solution.

Did you know that some players utilized this bug to equip certain colors, tags, and titles for months and even years.


Oh no this is a big problem for me



This is what I see, and when I mentioned this. . .

I was referring to to this:


So is this permanent now?
I change tag,color and titles awhile ago when i following your steps.
And wait the titles is wrong too i change titles into Fat Donut and when im chat it shows Creeper.


I also reported this, my [yems fan] title is almost completely replaced by an irreplacable
[Rofle Fan] title.


It’s strange that you can equip new colors, tags, and titles and have them remain equipped despite having your old color, tag, and title present in-game.

The bug your dealing with is probably not the same one I’m thinking of:

However, they do have the same effect.

I do not know if the bug is permanent, but it probably isn’t. For some reason unknown to me, the server is not updating to changes in your DTP, so when it does update, this issue is resolved.


I hope that the bug in future will be fix


It happen on you too? So the others like me has a problem like that the tag,color or titles is permanent stuck and cant change.