There’s an issue with registration for me

Hello anyone reading this.

I am currently trying to register, which after doing /register (password) it works however once I attempt logging in with the /login (password) it says my name is not yet registered despite just registering. I’ve tried renaming, changing the password, going to a different place (always says only applicable at the rift) and I am stumped.

If someone can get me answers I will be grateful. Thank you whoever is reading.

Sincerely, M

Edit: Sometimes device works in favor for getting a diagnosis so I am an IOS mobile

Edit two: My clock reset (and if someone is behind this thank you it might help) and now I have to wait nine hours until I can re try registering. I will edit and mark as resolved if this works.

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Can you try making an account with another character of a different name?
See if that works.

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I did with a few names. It stills says I’m not registered despite just successfully registering but I appreciate your assistance though.

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Does that mean you successfully registered under multiple character names?

You only should be able to register and login with one character name alone.

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Yeah I successfully registered with multiple names but it wouldn’t let me login. I mainly did it with three different names (just in case my name isn’t available) including the one I first did it with.

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It was a bug where it didn’t actually register, it’s fixed now.


Thank you. I will mark this as resolved

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