Nerf All Bosses Timers by Half Day

The Anti-Rush boss debuff happens on the midnight (around 10pm-2am) for people that live on the Americas (me for example), making the bosses happens on a time we can’t play, turning our experience for getting those important items an hard mission, forcing us to use one of the following options: ask for them the items we need or do again the bosses. The problem of ask for them is that we don’t get the enough quantities we need. And do the bosses again is hard because the other people are working and getting the items post this specific boss.

May not change much, because that’s a problem that will keep constantly happening, but give us, the west side players, a chance to fight them, will be something great. So if possible, consider this suggestion, and change the boss debuff timers.

Have a good day.

One suggestion per topic please


I’m sorry, i didn’t know, should i delete it then?


These are their own suggestions already, so I don’t see the purpose of reposting them here.


i mean, it just got lost, so i tought it would be a good idea to repost, ill just delete it then


I don’t know what this is. Can you explain what it is?


Rofle added boss buffs to stop the rushing system, remember that all survival run was only 3 days long? This system of buffs on bosses is to prevent rushing, i just prefer call Anti-Rush system.


How many players are normally online during this time? I’m assuming it’s 10-20.

Also, are there more active players the weekend than the weekdays?


Check Invisi post, Rofle put all the debuff lines. Isn’t based on player number boss health anymore, now is based on caps of damage and life, rift method apparently dosn’t really work anymore. But the number of players is around 10-15 players on weekdays IIRC. On weekends there is around 17-20, i dont really check often the number of players, but is around this numbers.

BTW: around post plantera the numbers decrease drastically, reaching to like only 12-8 players online (normaly players like me that play till the end)


I’ve already known this for months.

This was clearly implemented because more players are online during American daytime hours in Survival. Misread

I presume there are less players online in this time interval. In that case, I’m not sure why this debuff was implemented. I assume it was intended to forestall the defeating of bosses so that they can be defeated at later hours when more players are online; this is an attempt to make sure the least amount of players “miss out on progression.”

On what days are particular bosses normally defeated?


So this problem of bosses keep happening on midnight will not end, i see.


Oh i didn’t saw your edit, but today we are supposed to be post mech and probably the others would be doing Plantera. At midnight of the Friday: EoC, EoW / BoC. Saturday: Queen Bee. Sunday Midnight: WoF and maybe Queen Slime. Monday/Tuesday (normaly 2 mechanical bosses are done at midnight / morning period and one at afternoon): Mechanical Bosses, Duke and Plantera. Tuesday Afternoon: Golem. Thursday Night / Afternoon (sometimes done on midnight: Lunatic Cultist and Moon Lord

Those bosses happens on those times IIRC, normaly i only can catch Golem, Queen Bee and Lunatic Cultist


Wow! Progression takes a long time nowadays.

Also, I’m surprised to find out that most bosses are defeated in the night/morning hours in America.
I thought there are less players online during this time period.


Yeah, that’s why i am requesting to nerf the Boss Debuff to midday instead of midnight, so people like me that live on America can get the bosses too.

Ah, another note: the request for Hellbats Nerf is for a faster Hellbridge, because takes a long time to finish them, and on my experience making the Hellbridge, i finished them on the night period here, so of course, i lost WoF


Do you know why the Boss Debuff is particularly active at American midnight/morning?


Nope, i have no idea to be honest.


what @FAdadadada said, I didn’t close the topic since I figured two of them are already their own suggestions and you can edit it to remove them


Oh, alright then, i’ll fix it.