My little brother was using cheats so im making a unbann appeal

Q2)I let my little brother play terraria on my pc and he has access to everything on it and i have a cheat app for SINGLEPLAYER use and he has used it on the server.
3)I do think the ban was fair but at the time i did not know he was cheating as i wasn’t watching.
4)I want a second chance to play as i don’t think it was my fault that he was cheating, if i am to be unbanned, i will restrict his access to things like that on my pc and supervise when letting him play.


You need to follow the format. Fill out the exact ban appeal format (which can be found by opening a new draft for a topic in the Ban Appeals category) to the best of your abilities. It must be followed for the appeal to be valid.
Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.


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