My entire plan for the year about new maps

I’m actually kinda looking forward to making even more maps as I love doing that and the gamemode, so I would like to share with you the entire list of what I am planning to make later on this year. Some of the last ones might be delayed to the next year, but you’ll know what to expect.
If however you wish to not be informed about my plans, I advise you to stop reading and possibly even mute/ignore this post entirely.
Here is the list (not necessarily in order):

  • Laboratory themed map (upcoming)
  • Lunar pillars themed map
  • Summer themed map with yems (Beach House but actually on the beach and not in desert or underground?)
  • Highway themed map or generally racecars (with asphalt blocks)
  • My personal Shadows’s Descent remake
  • Lihzahrd themed map
  • Map filled with mechanisms (wiring, teleporters, conveyor belts etc.)
  • Halloween themed map
  • Giant treehouse map

These are all for now, I should actually get to finish at least 7 of them before I come up with more ideas. If you actually read this, leave a reply here telling me which one sounds the most exciting.


The mechanisms map and lihzard map both sound fun, as they seem like they’ll be different from most maps. Mostly the mechanisms map though.


Some other ideas for it could be the Mechanical Bosses and Portal Station. Awesome work thus far!


Good luck with them


I’m excited about Mechanisms map, highway map and Definitely Not Beach House map lmao. I’m also excited for Halloween themed map for October (Halloween event, let’s goo)