Missing Terraria File

Um, My game currently still will not load for some reason. It says I’m missing the Fonts File. , If you could possibly help me figure out how to fix it that’d be great.

(Although I was modding my game, I do not think that could possibly be the reason, I was watching which files I was removing (TModLoader Files), I wouldn’t suspect that as the reason of why the Fonts File is missing).

Thank you for your time!

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The fonts file isn’t missing; you are reading the problem incorrectly. Please refer to solutions posted at https://steamcommunity.com/app/324800/discussions/0/341537671987006415/

The problem is permissions. Steam doesn’t have permission to modify that directory or something related to that. Try out some of the solutions posted in that steam thread.


Ok, I figured it out, so now my game works, Thank you

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