Journey mode for dg? Why not

Journey mode for dark-gaming ? Why not here’s my suggestions.

This suggestion, you might like it or not or you can think of another tho this idea.

:white_check_mark: first **build dimension **
It would be more nice if dg use journey mode for build dimension, lots of player will be able to participate with more accurate and accessible items. More fun and not only that, there might be a new gamemodes that suit with the journey mode and builder players to participate, you can think of it or something build contest for everyone. Everyone will have infinite supplies which they will have a copy thro going to items and not just typing /i

:white_check_mark: second survival
Having journey mode increases the option of how the game will decide from the start of the day till end of the week. Trusting the slider control to the owners or great admins either make it master mode or normal or expert in the beginning or change it every second day.
If we can disable the slider in the survival and only one person or no one can touch it and be able to use if you go out of the survival except in the build dimension

:white_check_mark: 3rd
The pvp and pve i think it’s okay to have players control also coz it’s just for getting dp and not survival thing

That’s all i can suggest and cross my mind for now, may we respect each others thanks for understanding

Ok yeah this is a pretty good idea for build, as you don’t always have to go to /items or try to guess the name of an item, instead you can just click c and get your items.

Second Survival
This is kind of a good idea? I mean it will take a while to get ready but is overall a much more satisfying survival. (And also will there be like 3 survivals if this gets added? I thought Leafos was merging with DG.)

PvE and PvP
First, PvE. This is bad idea, as someone could easily go into godmode, go to the duke arena, empty all the DP out of the PvE bank, and have more than 70000 DP in total. This ruins the point of PvE.
Second PvP. You can easily go into godmode and completely destroy the point of PvP.


Rofle has previously said on Discord that he believed Rift, Items, and Build would be allowed Journey. Survival will likely not be allowed Journey, unless as you said, staff would be able to find a way to control the powers introduced with Journey. This could likely be done if a way to control which powers are able to be used, or “exploited” is added. iirc, Rofle has mentioned that the entire “researching” part of Journey may not be entirely a bad feature, but the problem would be Items that players have researched from outside of the server, or just in the items dimension, would be brought into survival as well. For PvP and PvE, journey mode being enabled would entirely take away the point of each. PvE and PvP are NOT played purely for the sake of DP. There are numerous players joining both just for the experience of fighting bosses, or players, and of course, sometimes DP.


Continuing the discussion from Journey mode for dg? Why not:

that’s why if it’s possible to close the controller the journey slider in survival all of it and, also on pve close the possible god mode


I think if it; possible to disable almost slide control then that’s better but if my whole idea is impossible then xd we’ll think again