Inactivity Update

Hey, just a quick update on how active I’ll be these coming weeks.
My broadband line got cut off completely (writing this on hotspot) and I have no wifi for 14 days. I’ll try my best to stay active on the forums and on phase from my phone as I only have 1.5GB data left for the rest of the month left. Won’t be able to get on the server itself. I hope this doesn’t affect my helper application - I can promise you it’s only temporary and I’ll be extra active when I get wifi again. Apologies of course, but I have no control over this situation whatsoever. Thanks


oof phase doesnt work on phone lol

You can download Terraria on mobile and help people from there. Unless you have to pay money. Then oof again.

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Very funny yems. But no, it is not.
And as I mentioned, I have 1.5gb data left to use for 14 days and last time I played mobile terraria my data melted


I mean u can like, delete things, like things u dont need or something

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What device are you using? I can never get phase to work on mobile for some reason


Yems I have 1.5gb of internet, not storage.
I’m on a Pixel 2 XL -phase should work fine


Ah… Phase doesn’t work on safari :< It’s always stuck on “Logged in as Loading”


Ohhh it doesn’t work on safari! Let me just download google

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