I have access to Terraria in a (borrowed for college) Laptop but I have concerns

Like what i said in the Title.

My current account name (in my laptop) is Shillax. Im currently in the Rift dimension, having concerns. You can /who and you can see my name.

Anyhow, I have read the rules that having multiple accounts is bannable. But I read that only having “registered” accounts in the server which is bannable(I read that in a old post). My character right now on my Laptop is named Shillax and is a “guest”.

Is it fine to continue to play like this?

The usual device I play in was actually from my mothers phone. So I cant use it at all times. So I decided to play Terraria on a different device.

But is it possible to log-in to my character “Shill” in my laptop with a different character? If so…thatd be fun.


Well if it isnt possible or legal…well I will immediately quit the server entirely on this character and just play usually on the same device. Just tell me, dont kick me


As long as its not registered it’s fine, it’d just be the equivalent of being on a pvp alt


It isnt possible to register to as “Shill” in my different character?


Nope since it’s not the same name, but if you make a new character that does have that exact same name you can log in to it


But does that abide the rules?


Yeah, the rules only state one registered account per person, if you only stay on that registered account it’s fine, and you can have as many guest accounts as you please (as long as it’s not the same name as someone else’s account, which would count as impersonation.)


Oh thank you very much Invisi. Imma change my name from “Shillax” to “Shill” rn. Thanks


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