I cant enter any dimension

I cant enter any dimension. When i step on a portal it says in chat that access is blocked. I met some other people with problem and people were saying that it happens when vpn is on but i dont even have it. Also im on mobile phone. Does anybody know what to do???

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Are you on a journey character? Do you have at least three consecutive same characters in your name?

Im not on journey and yes i have.
By the way i can enter gamemodes but cant enter zombie dimension and everybody on the server freeze when i join gamemodes.
I can also talk when i join dark gaming server until i try to join any dimension. People say its bug.

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Try changing your name

I did, nothing changed

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Oh it fixed.
I turned off mobile internet and used normal wi fi and it worked!
I didnt know mobile internet is like vpn.

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Uhm, i can join by phone with mobile internet without problems

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Access is blocked is unrelated to that problem because PhaseBot is what kicks with this reason.

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