HekX hacking in Zombies

[1] Members name.

[2] Report: what rule(s) they broke (quote them).

#1 Hacked Clients [or Modified Clients]

All types of modified clients that deviate gameplay functionally in any way from the original Terraria client are forbidden; this also includes using 3rd party programs, such as Inventory Editors, to modify your character to possess impossibilities. However, texture packs are exempt.

#2 Exploits

An exploit is unintended behaviour of the game that can be done without using third-party modifications (as that would be considered violation of S5#1). This also includes unintended behaviour of the server. The use of exploits is forbidden and punishable by a ban. It will be up to the discretion of staff to provide a warning instead, where an exploit has a minor impact.

[3] Did this affect anyone (e.g. they were using their hacks in PvP)?
It greatly affected the gameplay of the Zombies lobby that me and others were in, as he was gaining an amount of points that would be unreasonably high in that stage of the game.

[4] Evidence. (If this includes chat, Phase link one or more messages)

Note the bank sentry cash amount and the round number. Those are impossible without some sort of modification going on.

This image just shows the amount of interest HekX recieved at the end of the round. Again, a far beyond reasonable amount.
[5] Dimension: (if this is a server report).
Gamemodes - Zombies

[6] Roughly, the time (in UTC) the offence was made. (if this is a
server report)

3:52:04 AM


Those are fully reasonable, and, even underwhelming numbers. Although, we don’t know how much was farmed and how much was invested, but 4 mil at r7 on cryptic is nothing impossible


My screenshots are late, but he did have around 1 mil on r1, so thats why I reported in the first place. I’ve never seen that level of farming on round 1, unless I have a skill issue and don’t have 1 mil on r1 XD


ok 1 mil at r1 is impossible, but you should have taken screenshots or recorded screen


i once saw him hit 800k points round 1 but i think its a bug, he somehow got the frozen turtle shell, stand in one place and gaining points


Regardless, whether it is bug or cheats, his behaviour is bannable for modded clients/exploiting


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