Dark Gaming's PvP META

Is there a new arena, or just a different world? I haven’t gotten a chance to check the actual server out yet.


I’m trying to figure out what armor now has the highest damage for ranger.

Looks like either Shroomite (head piece) or Red Riding Hood, with Huntress’s Jerkin and Red Riding leggings for max damage

Since shroomite has damage adjustments for only arrows, bullets, etc, I’m not sure if that’s affected at all, but if it’s not, it would be better than Red Riding Hood for max damage.

So, with shroomite, a total of 45% increased damage, but for only 46 vanilla defense
Tbh that kind of sucks, not even past 60, like it would be with shroomite helmet and vortex gear


There’s also a bunch of changes for the hardmode ore gear, and Crimson armor… not sure what the crimson armor is about but the hardmode ore armors now give bonuses to all classes.

Also orichalcum is strictly better than palladium now what is blanc doing lol

why does it only increase magic damage more than the rest, whereas orichalcum increases everything by 10%

Looks like solar was nerfed a bit too


I asked Blanc If I could do the chests in spawn (new world, chests are now usable), If I do them then this guide has no purpose at all.


Why? It could still be helpful for people who want to create their own loadouts instead of using the default ones.


chests will come with many options you can choose, not just 1 armor set and 10 weapons


Who uses Palladium Armor? I’ve never heard of this before.


palladium armor gives you regen on hit and a curious thing is that palladium helmet actually has better stats than hallowed mask (except for defense)


Well, no one uses the Palladium Armor set bonus, and do people really use the Hallowed Mask nowadays?


i just use the palladium mask for my melee kit lol


What do you use for your Melee Kit?

For the helmet, I use the Chlorophyte Mask and the rest is pretty much Solar Flare.


you can see the kit yourself with /loadout load beetleeyepvp2


Is Melee Speed really something that I want? To me, it always seemed too gimmicky.
(However, then again, might as well have it when most of the weapons I have in my inventory already reach the damage cap.)


melee speed isn’t really good unless you use it with whips, my kit is mainly towards melee damage rather than melee speed


Eh, mostly as I figured then.


Time for some calculations!!

Vortex Helmet: banned boi
Vortex Breastplate: +12% Damage, 28 Defense
Vortex Leggings: +8% Damage, 20 Defense
Shroomite Headgear: +15% Damage, 11 Defense
Shroomite Breastplate: banned also
Shroomite Leggings: +0% Damage, 16 Defense
Red Riding Hood: +8% Damage, 12 Defense
Red Riding Dress: +16% Damage, 20 Defense
Red Riding Leggings: +10% Damage, 18 Defense
Chlorophyte Helmet: +14% Damage, 10 Defense
Chlorophyte Chestplate: also sucks
Chlorophyte Greaves: bad
Huntress’s Wig: sucks
Huntress’s Jerkin: +20% Damage, 17 Defense
Huntress’s Pants: sucks

Chlorophyte Helmet is strictly worse than Shroomite Headgear
Red Riding Dress has worse defense but better damage than Vortex Breastplate, but Huntress’s Jerkin also has worse defense but better damage
Red Riding Leggings is slightly worse than Vortex Leggings with -2 Defense but has 2% more damage
Red Riding Hood is probably worse than Shroomite Headgear
Shroomite leggings just plain sucks

Shroomite Headgear + Red Riding Dress + Red Riding Leggings:
+41% Damage, 49 Defense

Shroomite Headgear + Vortex Breastplate + Vortex Leggings:
+35% Damage, 59 Defense

Shroomite Headgear + Red Riding Dress + Vortex Leggings:
+39% Damage, 51 Defense

Shroomite Headgear + Vortex Breastplate + Red Riding Leggings:
+37% Damage, 57 Defense

Shroomite Headgear + Huntress’s Jerkin + Red Riding Leggings:
+45% Damage, 46 Defense

Shroomite Headgear + Huntress’s Jerkin + Vortex Leggings:
+43% Damage, 48 Defense

(All of this is without accessories)
Personally, I like the Shroomite Headgear + Red Riding Dress + Vortex Leggings combo the best, because it gives a reasonable damage buff (almost 40%) and has one of the highest defense, higher than Huntress’s Jerkin. This would put it about 20 defense lower than the Solar Flare set but with 39% more damage.

Beetleeye said something about orichalcum armor but it seems not that great in pvp manager, so I’m not entirely sure about that. Maybe set bonus?

Anyway, time to make a new loadout…


orichalcum armor does a double hit


Keep in mind that is not a certainly hit, it can be dodged.


So… +120% damage (assuming both hit) with 49 defense?

Not a bad deal… then again it doesn’t trigger every hit either, so average would probably be more like +70% or lower.

Also Blanc is making some changes as I speak so it might be changed soon.


wait… can you now have negative defense if you have no positive defense from armor/accessories and wear a bucket??