"Good!" news

Okay some of you closer to me would know that I havnt been on in the last 48 hours. There is a DNS error with my virgin media which for some reason only applaud to my house hold. I cannot use the Internet and I am using using my mums hotspot wifi to write this and do my homework. I also have no television etc. this was meant to be fixed 48hours ago but keeps getting delayed according to the virgin support line. This MSG is aimed at my superiors to prove I am not inactive. :frowning: most boring weekend of my life.
~ your best friend, C

Okay so just now my internet has become available to my useage, i will be online but not as much at the moment becuase my internet is not fully fixed :confused: But still… I can watch youtube!!! and speak to you guys and girls :smiley:
#your best friend C

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