DP Problem

 So, u know if u go to the DTP and click explore, in the first box it shows "DP Info"? Good. Because that leads me to think of a problem. If certain dimensions have a limited DP u can get from them, for example PVP, and ur just the best pvp player who literally killed everyone and stole all the 16000 DP from the pvp bank, can people  get more DP from that? This leads me to think like in dimensions like zombies where it's super easy to get DP in which I got like 99% of my original 10000 Dp from, that it will run out of DP.  Does the server have any solution to this? Like for example taking a little of everyons DP to put back in the bank? Because I'm doing the "hard way" to get crew and by that I mean get 50000 DP.

Solutions I have to this is as already said, draining a bit of DP from everyone once in a while, (don't drain the peoples DP under 1000 or 1500 or something) or if someone pays for getting something in shop, maybe a quarter of that get divided among the banks? Or if you pay the 50000 dp, all of that goes back into the banks? If there already is a solution please tell me.

DP is constantly being drained at a certain rate based on XP Efficiency for accounts level 35 and above. This, along with DP that is spent on upgrades, titles, tags, etc. is distributed back to the banks.