Clarification Need 4 Zmbs Map

  So, everybody know what zombies is right? K good. If u don't, then just leave. Like heck.

       Anyways, so I've been planning to make a new zombies map, and I need a bit of help deciding what content is going to be in the map. Obviously I haven't started building bc that requires crew and, well, I don't have crew, but let's just say I built it. How do I decide how many enemies the maps going to give each round? I basically want to challenge other people with the most enemies each round. I've seen that maps like Devil's Reservoir have more mobs spawning each round, and how did the map creater of Devil's Reservoir decide that? Did he just straight up right it when he posted his map in the zombies map suggestion place? Or does the number of gravestones count?
 Also, I see that if you get passed or get to round 15 on Shadow's Descent, you get access to a new ability. I also want to give a reward on completing my map, but instead of round 15 it's gonna be like round 30 or  something, so did popstarfreas or someone else just add this ability? or did the map creator suggest it first?
  And one last thing. Along with the first question, is there a way to decide which mobs get spawned more than others? Because  if I could just flat out say that I want more of diabolists or whatever it's called (which I probably will cuz those are crazy strong) then the game would spawn way more diabolists. Is there a way to suggest this in the zombies map suggestions?
 Actually no that's not the last thing an idea just came into my head while I was rereading this: When you have a mage as one class and a warrior as another, there will be this one chest that has only mana and is colored blue. So mages use this, yeah, easy, but for warriors, it will just look like a blue chest saying Ammo Chest: Cost 0. Is there a way to make it so that if you were different class, it had different contents? Like buffs?

Yeah, you can probably guess that another idea popped into my head. It did. Is there a way to make chests for example life chests costs lower or higher as the round goes on? Because I’m planning to make a life chest for 20 health cost 40,000 score at first, but then get way cheaper starting from round 16. Like it’ll become 35,000, then 30,000, and so on. I have the idea in strategy, see, if you don’t spend now, you spend less later. I see you can change contents of weapon chests, why not life chests?


Mob spawning Each round there is a total number of mobs. During the round, mobs spawn in waves up to a limit (I think 20 or 40). Once enough mobs have been killed, more spawn until the cap or the round ends.
Ability unlocking Shadow’s descent unlocking the wish ability is something chosen by the owner, not map makers.
Selective mob spawning This is not currently possible
Mana and health chests These are chests made solely for these functions. They cannot be set to sell other items regardless of class
Chests costs changing by round number This is not currently possible
Class ChestsYou are able to define your own class names. At each sell chest, you then define item(s) sold, price, and for which class. Example: Ammo chest sells 2 lesser mana potions for 75 pts for the “Wizard” class. At that same chest, you sell ammo for a “Gunner:” 250 points for 75 musket balls, etc.
Chest types Mana: Adds to max mana (up to 400)
Hp: Adds to max hp (up to 5,000)
Weapon chest: Incremental upgrade. Removes previous items from inventory upon next upgrade.
Ammo chest: Grants items with the given price.
Class chest: Selects your class


To add on what was said above:
The spawn amount is based on the mob spawns, to increase spawns at a location you just add more at the same location. Mana and Health chests can be re-used for other classes using ammo/potions as the contents. They are of the same class of chests as ammo and potions but with specifically mana/life crystals that the system rewrites itself as HP/Mana.


Thank You! Now I know (almost) exactly what content to have in my map.