Ban apeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Idk why i got banned bc i was just playing with people like always i did not break any rule i think so

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
Idk what rule have i break and idk i have breaken a rule

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
I don’t think it was fair bc there was some other guys spaming and breaking other rules and didnt get banned

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
If you banned the wrong or the correct person i swear i didn’t mean it and i wont again bc i enjoy playing on your server and i don’t want to play other servers


Provide your ban link as your answer to Q1. If you don’t have it on hand, you can get it by attempting to rejoin the server.
Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.


ohh wait bc im not banned but every time i go to survival it kicks me every time it say lost connection but i have very good wifi


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