Bad at game person's second Ban appeal

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason
Link:non due too a IP glitch

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
I did not as I didn’t read the rules (which I should have) and I have now.

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
I think it was fair but I believe I should give the context for the two times I did advertise I was first doing it as a bad joke (which shouldn’t be done) after someone said you guys know any server that I can cleanse.
The second time was an attempt too start a conversation with shill I said something like “you ever played anarchy servers” then I talked about a server.I think yes I made a mistake which is 100% my fault but I still have hope I will but am not expecting it.

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I think it was a fair ban but I genuinely miss being able too play the game modes and hope I can have a second chance and I believe everyone deserves a second chance but if you don’t im ready to accept that and move on


You need to follow the format. Edit your ban link in as your answer to Q1. If you do not have it on hand, attempt to rejoin the server to receive it.
Do not post a new appeal; edit your existing one. Post a reply here once you have made the corrections.


Ok so due too an IP glitch.I am not technically banned but have been advised too get permission before I join or it will be seen as ban evading and I will be unable too appeal.Hence the no ban link.


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