[Denied] un ban me plz

why I was being mean and violating the server rules like cursing to the punisher
july 31 2014
2 weeks ago
I was on the server
who the punisher
no I deserved it but not forever
why you should because I fell I need one last chance

·Which rule(s) were you violating?
·What is your in-game name?
Also I’m quite sure that ThePunisher had not been promoted 2 weeks ago. He probably only made a report on you.


ummm… I chose to NOT comment on this ban appeal.

the punisher look at this thread

G8rumsc1976 please don’t post pointless comments.

Yes Tip, I was promoted on Friday as I remember.
about the appeal, Give me you name and I will give my thoughts.

EDIT- I assume it was that report-https://dark-gaming.com/thread/resolved-harassing-player.951
but as you see, the picture was taken down (space). I remember that there was a player that it’s name
was “fuck the punisher” , something like that. Was that you?

End, I know this isn’t your first grief. You have also destroyed terrance’s and my Ctf arena, and all you said was “sorry for grieving. I got bored.” Well, you didn’t get banned which was a bit frustrating because I needed to fix the arena myself, because the rollback didn’t work then. If you were “fuck u the punisher”, I say you should be perma-banned for player harassment and griefing. Furthermore, if you continue to act like this on the website I think you should be banned here. You have my opinion.

Slayer I think you posted in the wrong appeal. This guy is duder. Unless duder is The End then TheEnd has made his own Ban Appeal.

I didn’t do that

Ok so the person in the pictures is “Duder”, but you still griefed our arena
What im confused…

I just made a HUGE mistake… So so sorry! :frowning:

This topic is closed since that “duder” wasn’t responding.
Player won’t be un-banned either, respect is the one of the main
things that is important.