1.4 Zombies Bugs

This post is a wiki, if you have any to add put them here. This thread will be closed once these are fixed.

This is a list of Zombies Bugs introduced since 1.4 came out:

  1. Status flickers instead of staying
  2. Mob drops aren’t prevented
  3. Dead players once revived can often look like they are still “dead”
  4. Vampirism at Round 10 becomes impossible
  5. Stardust Guardian is too good on Monster Mansion?
  6. Zombies is in expert mode for some reason
  7. Slimers becoming invisible
  8. Some members are unable to fully join a lobby
  9. Some lobbies that were full are unjoinable during intermission
  10. Zombies have trouble jumping
  11. Some members do not get spawned in the match correctly
  12. Hallowed Armor/Titanium Armor buffs cause you to get stoned
  13. Custom item drops don’t work first spawn sometimes
  14. No [Dead] prefix showing
  15. Players not always on teams
  16. Some hearts still drop
  17. Summoner’s custom Laser Machinegun kills its user (Catacombs specific)
  18. Sometimes summons from previous maps carry over and destroy zombies easily (proof required)
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  1. Mob drops aren’t prevented

This issue was present before version 1.4, but picked up drops were automatically and instantaneously removed from user inventories. Unless this is referring to a new oversight where the item drops aren’t being removed and can be used as normal (Javelins, Blindfold, etc.), I believe that this could be safely removed since it was present before but never could do any harm.

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I don’t remember this problem. Mob drops were prevented except the first mob that was killed. That’s all I remember from before.

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Hm… maybe it’s based on permissions? I distinctly remember seeing Blindfolds drop from Slimers several times.

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There is also a bug where the game just stops on round 6

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Hallowed armor causes you to get debuffed, i guess because of its new ability

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this has been Fixed


What about the bug where you will sometimes be revived without anything? Or is that intentional, all i know is playing for 7 rounds then starting with nothing is not pleasant.

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If a new round starts without someone reviving you, you don’t get revived, but instead get respawned with absolutely nothing. Plus, the player who killed the last mob to start the new round loses all their score. It’s not a bug or anythin.


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But why would you punish the player who died. That seems like you’re simply kicking somebody while they are down, I understand taking points of the people who are alive though.

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It’s based on working as a team. The goal is to revive people or else tons of work gets wasted. It’s meant to emphasize that since they lost all their stuff, they can’t defend other people. It means you doomed yourself by not putting others over your power.


For 18, I was playing on monster mansion with Madeira and Verdanael until we died. However, on the next map, The Ascension, Verdanael has stadust cells from the previous round. Obviously wasn’t hacking, as it was not intended.

Oh crap don’t have screenshot

For more information, the map was monster mansion on which the stardust cells came from, and I just experienced mobs easily being defeated on when the bug happened.

So… was the issue that just, in general, the buff for the minions wasn’t removed?

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Oh yeah, but I’ve never ever seen it in Only in 1.4